Bearer Token Support for the Elytron OIDC Client Subsystem

WildFly 26.1.2.Final, which was just released, includes the ability to secure applications with bearer tokens when using the Elytron OpenID Connect (OIDC) Client subsystem. This blog post gives an overview of how to configure applications deployed to WildFly so they can support Bearer Token Authentication.

Bearer Token Authentication

Bearer Token Authentication involves authenticating HTTP requests that include a security token called a "bearer token". A bearer token is used to determine whether or not to provide access to an HTTP resource. As an example, a bearer token could be used to invoke a web service. You might be wondering, where does the bearer token that’s used in the HTTP request come from? The token can be obtained from any OAuth2 compliant authorization server. For instance, after logging in to an application that’s secured using OpenID Connect, we receive an access token. This token is a bearer token and it can be used to invoke something else that’s secured using Bearer Token Authentication.

The elytron-oidc-client subsystem now allows applications to be secured using Bearer Token Authentication.

Securing an Application Using Bearer Token Authentication

The configuration that indicates that an application should be secured using Bearer Token Authentication with the elytron-oidc-client subsystem can either be provided within the application itself or within the elytron-oidc-client subsystem.

Deployment Configuration

The bearer-only option can now be specified in an application’s WEB-INF/oidc.json file. Setting this to true indicates that an application should be secured using Bearer Token Authentication. In other words, when a user attempts to access this application, they won’t be redirected to an OpenID provider to log in. Instead, the elytron-oidc-client subsystem will attempt to verify the user’s bearer token. Like with the Keycloak client adapter, the default value for bearer-only is false.

For more details on how to configure an oidc.json file and how to specify OIDC in an application’s web.xml file, check out the documentation here.

Subsystem Configuration

Instead of including OIDC configuration directly in a deployment, it’s also possible to configure this via the elytron-oidc-client subsystem instead.

For a secure-deployment in the elytron-oidc-client subsystem, it’s now possible to specify the bearer-only option.

More details on how to configure a secure-deployment can also be found in the documentation.

A Complete Example with Bearer Token Authentication

In the rest of this post, we’ll go through an example to see how to secure a JAX-RS service deployed to WildFly with Bearer Token Authentication.

To invoke our JAX-RS service, we’re going to use another application that will be secured using OpenID Connect. This application will include the access token obtained from the Keycloak OpenID provider when invoking the service.

Example Project

First, clone the elytron-examples repo locally:

git clone
cd elytron-examples

We’re going to be looking at the oidc-with-bearer project.

Setting up your Keycloak OpenID provider

It’s easy to set up Keycloak using Docker. Follow the steps in Keycloak’s getting started guide to start Keycloak and create a realm called myrealm.

Next, create a client called service. If you’re using Keycloak 19.0.0 or later, in the Capability config, be sure to uncheck Standard flow and Direct access grants (when no authentication flows are specified, this indicates that the client is a bearer only client). For older versions of Keycloak, change the Access Type to bearer-only.

Now, we’re going to create a second client called app. If you’re using Keycloak 19.0.0 or later, in the Capability config, turn on Client authentication. For older versions of Keycloak, change the Access Type to confidential.

For the app client, we also need to set the valid redirect URIs to http://localhost:8090/oidc-app/* and set the Web origins to + to permit all origins of Valid Redirect URIs.

Now, click on Realm roles and create two roles, user and admin.

Finally, create a user called alice and assign her the user and admin roles. Then, create a user called bob and assign him only the user role. Steps for assigning roles can be found in the Keycloak documentation.

JAX-RS Service

Take a look at the 3 endpoints that are provided by our JAX-RS service:

  • public - This endpoint requires no authentication.

  • secured - This endpoint can be invoked by users with the user role.

  • admin - This endpoint can be invoked by users with the admin role.

Each endpoint just returns a message that contains the name of the endpoint, e.g., { "message":"public" }.

OIDC Application

The OIDC application provides a Login button that allows users to log in using the Keycloak OpenID provider and also provides 3 buttons for invoking each of the endpoints described in the previous section.

Deploying the JAX-RS Service and the OIDC Application

Now let’s deploy our service and application to WildFly.

When starting our WildFly instance, we’re going to specify the oidc.client.secret system property. Notice that this is specified in the OIDC application’s oidc.json file and is used to specify the secret that should be used when communicating with the Keycloak OpenID provider. From the Keycloak Admin Console, navigate to the app client that we created earlier, then click on Credentials, and copy the value for the Client secret. We’re going to start our WildFly instance using this copied value. Notice that we’re specifying a port offset here since our Keycloak instance is already exposed on port 8080:

./bin/ -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=10 -Doidc.client.secret=COPIED_VALUE

Next, we’re going to build and deploy our service. From the elytron-examples directory, run the following commands:

cd oidc-with-bearer/service
mvn wildfly:deploy -Dwildfly.port=10000

Now let’s deploy our OIDC application. From the elytron-examples directory, run the following commands:

cd oidc-with-bearer/app
mvn wildfly:deploy -Dwildfly.port=10000

Accessing the app

Now, let’s try accessing our application using http://localhost:8090/oidc-app.

Try invoking the different endpoints without logging in. You’ll only be able to successfully invoke the public endpoint.

Now try logging in as alice. You’ll be redirected to Keycloak to log in. Then try invoking the different endpoints again. This time, you’ll be able to successfully invoke all three endpoints because alice has both user and admin roles.

Finally, try accessing the application again but this time, log in as bob. When you try invoking the endpoints this time, you’ll see that you can only invoke the public and secured endpoints since bob does not have the admin role.


This blog post has given an overview of how to secure an application with Bearer Token Authentication when using the Elytron OIDC Client subsystem.