WildFly Elytron

Automatic Self-Signed Certificate Generation with Elytron

WildFly 22 adds the ability to automatically generate a self-signed certificate the first time WildFly receives an HTTPS request when WildFly is being secured using Elytron. This is useful for development or testing environments. This blog post gives an introduction to this new feature.

Default SSL context

WildFly now contains configuration for one-way SSL out of the box. This means that by default, the Elytron subsystem now contains a key-store, key-manager, and server-ssl-context that are ready for you to use in a development or testing environment, as shown below:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron:12.0" final-providers="combined-providers" disallowed-providers="O
            <key-store name="applicationKS">
                <credential-reference clear-text="password"/>
                <implementation type="JKS"/>
                <file path="application.keystore" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
            <key-manager name="applicationKM" key-store="applicationKS" generate-self-signed-certificate-host="localhost">
                <credential-reference clear-text="password"/>
            <server-ssl-context name="applicationSSC" key-manager="applicationKM"/>

Notice that the default key-manager, applicationKM, contains a generate-self-signed-certificate-host attribute with value localhost. This attribute indicates that when this key-manager is used to obtain the server’s certificate, if the file that backs its key-store doesn’t already exist, then the key-manager should automatically generate a self-signed certificate with localhost as the Common Name. This generated self-signed certificate will then be stored in the file that backs the key-store.

Making use of the default SSL context

To make use of the new default SSL context, the Undertow subsystem https-listener configuration just needs to be updated to reference the Elytron server-ssl-context:


With this change, WildFly will automatically generate a self-signed certificate the first time it receives an HTTPS request if the server’s key store file (application.keystore) does not already exist.

To try this out, try accessing https://localhost:8443. Notice that WildFly generates and presents a self-signed certificate and your browser presents a warning message. Inspect the certificate and verify that the fingerprints shown in your browser match the fingerprints shown in the server log file before confirming that you want to accept the server’s certificate.

Log messages

When using the default server-ssl-context, you’ll notice some warning messages in the server log file before and after the self-signed certificate is automatically generated:

13:21:39,197 WARN  [org.wildfly.extension.elytron] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYELY01083: KeyStore /wildfly/standalone/configuration/application.keystore not found, it will be auto generated on first use with a self-signed certificate for host localhost
13:39:57,152 WARN  [org.wildfly.extension.elytron] (default task-1) WFLYELY01084: Generated self-signed certificate at /wildfly/dist/target/wildfly-22.0.0.Final/standalone/configuration/application.keystore. Please note that self-signed certificates are not secure and should only be used for testing purposes. Do not use this self-signed certificate in production.
SHA-1 fingerprint of the generated key is fc:16:cf:bf:de:3a:6d:d6:fe:ec:f9:cd:9d:22:c9:3d:43:d7:e3:57
SHA-256 fingerprint of the generated key is 38:69:00:4e:39:e2:40:e2:ef:b6:95:58:c6:ba:d0:0f:56:c5:7c:5d:fc:d5:c3:b9:b0:94:80:9c:f5:45:9d:40

As mentioned in the warning message, it is very important that the generated self-signed certificate is only used a development or testing environment. Self-signed certificates should never be used in a production environment. To disable the automatic self-signed certificate generation, simply undefine the generate-self-signed-certificate-host attribute for the default key-manager.

Switching to a signed certificate

Since the default WildFly configuration contains one-way SSL configuration out of the box, it is now very simple to switch to using a signed certificate.

Pre-requisite configuration

We’re going to switch to using a certificate from Let’s Encrypt so we first need to configure a Let’s Encrypt account:


Switching to a certificate from Let’s Encrypt

First, undefine the generate-self-signed-certificate-host attribute:


Then, use the applicationKS key store to obtain a signed certificate from Let’s Encrypt (make sure you update the domain-names parameter to specify the domain name(s) you want to obtain a certificate for):


Now, reload your key-manager so that WildFly makes use of your newly obtained signed certificate:



This blog post has given an overview of automatic self-signed certificate generation for WildFly. This feature should only be used in development or testing environments. For more details on this, take a look at the documentation. For more information on how to switch to a certificate from Let’s Encrypt, take a look at this blog post. Details on how to switch to a certificate signed by a different certificate authority that implements the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol can be found here.